Typical Stick Grip Switch Combinations for Bi-Planes:
#1 (thumb operated 4-way switch with China Hat) — most bi-planes do not have an electric Pitch and/or Roll Trim System, so they use the 4-way trim switch for stepping frequencies UP & DN through the presets in these new comm radios that are available, and use the side-to-side motion of the trim switch for Comm Flip/Flop to the Left, and Ident to the Right. Or, some have a Pitch Trim system, and use the side-to-side motion of the trim switch for Comm Flip/Flop to the Left, and Ident to the Right;
#2 (index finger) — PTT
#3 (thumb side, just left of the 4-way switch) — ON/OFF (8636) push-button for: Strobe Lights, Landing Light(s), Nav Lights or Smoke;
#4 (half way down, thumb side) — Auxiliary Fuel Pump ON/OFF (8636) push-button;
#5 (pinky switch) — ON/OFF (8636) push-button for: Landing Light(s), Strobe Lights, Nav Lights or Smoke;
#6 (thumb operated, knuckle side of hand) — Engine Start Normally Open (8632 N.O.) push-button (now you don’t need to hold the stick with your knees when you start the plane!) [ relay not required ].
Just check the switch you want on the Order Form for positions 3, 4, 5 and 6, then mail, FAX or call your order in.
So when you are ready, click here for a combination Order Form and Wiring Schematic to print out. Fill in the top of the form, and all the other blanks, then just circle the switch you want on the Order Form for positions 3, 4, 5 and 6, and please don’t forget to write in it’s “Use”. Then FAX, mail, e-mail, or call your order in. Don’t forget your phone number, because if the “Use” doesn’t match what you have circled on your Order Form, I’m going to call or e-mail you 🙂 .
Click here to see How to Install your custom Stick Grips.