To potential investor(s), and all present and future customers — this is a short list of “What Else” is blowing up our skirt here at INFINITY Aerospace :
- To date, thousands have contacted us wanting to order an Infinity 1, including the US and foreign governments. We just need a little more funding for our Infinity 1 Quick Build Kit & UAV Production Molds, to finish the final prototype, and to prove out the Quick Build Kit Production Molds by pulling at least 2 sets of parts from the molds before kit deliveries begin producing 100+ Infinity 1 Quick Build Kit Sport Aircraft per year. We also need funding to buy our own mil, lathe, tooling, CAM software, and FEA software to produce retractable landing gear for our Infinity 1 ( and other customers retract designs further diversifying our already diversified company ), throttle handle and quadrants ( HOT ), and all the metal parts for the Infinity 1 Quick Build Kit Sport Aircraft and UAV, and for other customer projects such as UAV Retractable Landing Gear ( we are tired of farming out all of this machining! ). So, if you want to be part of our INFINITY Aerospace team for a small investment of only $3,000,000 of funds needed for our final phase for production, call JD ( sincere people only, please ).
- We’re also going into production of our Left & Right Hand, and Center Console, Throttle Handle and Quadrant ( HOT ) [ 4000+ builders have already expressed interest ]. The 3 prototypes were shown at Sun ‘n Fun ( SnF ) AND Oshkosh ( they were a BIG hit ! ) for input from valued aviation professionals and other sources. Improvements were made after each air show. We are finally done with the design, now production and deliveries should begin soon after $50K more funding is received.
- We’re also going into production of our steerable or castering ( builder’s choice ) Oleo Nose Strut for Canards with a 11.5″ diameter Lamb type and size tire that will lift a 2200 lb. GW Canard aircraft with 4 people, full gas and baggage — and the actuator internally locks down ( actuator will remain mechanically locked even with loss of hydraulic pressure — Safety Feature ) — thousand’s of Canard builders / fliers have already stated they want our oleo nose strut. The prototype should be completed soon, and production will begin after $15K more funding is received.
- We are coming out with a simple Central Aircraft Computer ( JD’s Black Box ) to help relieve the pilot of some of the tedious, mundane duties not directly involved with actually flying the aircraft, but must be remembered – a Safety Issue with me and most pilots. Should have the prototype ready soon — see Word *.doc >.
- As the web site states, we design and manufacture custom landing gear for other companies aircraft .
- When funding is in place, we are going to design ( actually, the designs are already figured out ) and manufacture Retractable Oleo Strut Main Landing Gear for the RV, Harmon and F-1 Rocket series of tail dragger Kit Sport Aircraft, and the tri-cycle retracts for the Kit Sport Aircraft RV-10. Also, maybe even making a “plug & play” Laminar Flow composite retrofit wings with Fowler Flaps ( and retracts built in ) for these aircraft, if there is enough interest. But, as you all well know, money drives everything.
- Governments and government agencies want Turn-Key prop, turbo-prop and jet Infinity 1/UAV aircraft. We have already given 6 briefings to DARPA and the Pentagon — at their request — for using our Infinity 1 as a turn-key manned and/or unmanned attack and/or reconnaissance spy plane [ Unmanned Air Vehicle ( UAV ) ]. { NOTE — one of JD’s many collateral jobs while on Active Duty at NAS Pt. Mugu Flight Test was Officer-In-Charge ( OIC ) of the Navy’s UAV Program, so the Infinity 1 is designed with the UAV, and many other, missions in mind }.
- 6 foreign countries have already contacted us for Turn-Key Light Attack and/or Trainer Infinity 1 Jet Aircraft.
- Our partners have other aircraft designs on the drawing board, including a 6 pax 300+ KNT helicopter, and an Unlimited Reno Race Plane.
- We are interviewing many cities in several states concerning moving our company to their city to produce our Infinity 1 Quick Build Kit Sport Aircraft, and all of our other products, which provides jobs and money to the local and state economy.
Some of this information is discussed in more detail on our web site, and/or call JD ANY afternoon after 1330, or early evening, Pacific Time, 7 days a week, for “the rest of the story” !
You can also read about ALL the other products we carry on our web site. As you can well see, we are not just another Kit Sport Aircraft Company hanging our hat on whether or not our kit aircraft will be successful or not — in fact, we are doing just fine making our Stick Grips.
So, if you are *truly serious* about investing and/or joining the INFINITY Aerospace Team , please contact JD via our address at the bottom of any page of our web site, and/or via FAX at 619-448-5176, and/or by phone at 619-448-5103, and/or via Skype: kingvulcan007 [ JD can be reached ANY afternoon after 1330 Pacific Time ( PT ) M-S ].
When you call, he will lay out all that is happening here at INFINITY Aerospace in as much detail as you want / need !
THANK YOU for your sincere interest ? !
Infinity’s Forever ( ),
Pres / CEO / CTO / CFO / Chairman / Grip Whisperer / Chief Bottle Washer / Kwisatz Haderach
Retired F-14 Naval Aviator, F-14 Flight Test, F-14 Instructor, OIC Navy UAV’s, flew F-4’s, and Navy Flying Club Pres. for 3+ years
EAA National Lifetime Member, and Local Chapter 14 Member
EAA Technical Counselor, and EAA Flight Advisor
Both American Legion and AMVET Lifetime Member
AOPA Member, Test Pilot, Eagle Scout, Grip Whisperer, PADI, Thespian, Metahuman, Kraken, Gort, The Word, Peterpan
Kwisatz Haderach — watch the 1984 un-cut movie version of “Dune”
Been flying, and working on and around aircraft, since I was a sperm.
My $0.02 = $37+
Skype: kingvulcan007

“Top Gun Days” — if you like F-14’s &/or the movie “Top Gun”, my friend wrote a GREAT book about it, and our 1st 3 years in our 1st F-14 Fleet Squadron. OBTW — I’m the tallest one in the group picture in the middle of the book ? .
Some of what JD used to do:
“It is the grain of sand in your shoe, not the mountain ahead, that wears you down!”
“And once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the Earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”
— John Hermes Secondari
“The American, by nature, is optimistic. He is experimental, an inventor and a builder, who builds best when called upon to build greatly.”
— John F. Kennedy
Interesting Trivia:
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
— Edmund Burke, 18th century member of British Parliament
“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
— Albert Einstein
“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”
— Thomas Jefferson
“ . . . the great body of our citizens shoot less as time goes on. We should encourage rifle practice among schoolboys, and indeed among all classes, as well as in the military services by every means in our power. Thus, and not otherwise, may we be able to assist in preserving peace in the world . . . The first step – in the direction of preparation to avert war if possible, and to be fit for war if it should come – is to teach men to shoot!”
— A message to Congress by President Theodore Roosevelt (1908)
” No *one cares how much you know*, until they *know how much you care*.”
— President Teddy Roosevelt
“Any damned fool can criticize, but it takes a genius to design it in the first place.”
— Edgar Schmued, Chief Designer North American Aviation
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”
— Henry Ford
“Aviation is proof that, given the will, we have the capacity to achieve the Impossible.”
— Eddie Rickenbacker
‘An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a victim.”
–- Allen West
“I have many faults, but being wrong is not one of them.”
— Superman — no truer words printed on JD’s tea cup
Remember, there are only 3 kinds of aircraft: Infinity’s, Fighters . . . and Targets.