Emergency Release Valve and CO2 Blow Down Bottle — used as the Emergency Backup like the airlines and the military do in our Infinity 1 for lowering the retractable landing gear. Also being used in the Viper Jet, Glasair’s, Lion Heart, Radial Rocket and other Sport Aircraft. Just turn the ‘T’ handle clockwise to release the UP hydraulic pressure back to the tank / reservoir / or overboard, then continue to turn the ‘T’ handle to puncture the 850 PSI / 5 gal. vol. / ~1″ OD x ~4.5″ long / 38 gram with a 3/8″ x 24 pitch straight thread CO2 bottle — the Emergency Release Valve is only $200.00 each via cash, check or money order / only $208.00 each credit card price, and the CO2 Blow Down Bottle is only $25.00 each via cash, check or money order / only $26.00 each via credit card price, plus S & H , and CA Sales Tax ( if you live in CA ).
The FAA says because the ‘Emergency Release Valve’ is an external installation and a minor modification, a 337 is not required — just make a log book entry.